Do your players call you by your specialty or do they call you Coach? If they are like most of the athletes I have coached and observed, they call you Coach.

Head, assistant, volunteer, strength and conditioning, hitting, shooting, defense, pitching, bench, line, offense, serving – the list of coach types could go on and on. No matter your specialty, when your players are looking to you, they will call you Coach. Your specialty is important, but pales in comparison to the impact you have as a coach.

The decisions we make and the actions we take today will greatly impact the lives of those we coach, not just now, but in the future as well. It is easy to get caught up on winning and losing, but let’s face it – how many of us remember the exact record of the first team we ever played on?

Answering the question “why do you coach?” will change how you go about your day-to-day coaching.

Yes, it’s necessary to know the best strategies, training techniques, and tactics available. Yes, people are watching you and will determine your “worth” based on your record. Yes, coaching can be difficult. Winning is important, but in the grand scheme of things, it is small compared to the life-long impact of your interactions.

It’s not enough to have played, been a fan, taken classes, watched video, or even have a degree. Your success as a coach ultimately depends on the impact you have on the athletes you coach, which is an outcome of your life in and away from the athletic environment.

In other words – YOU matter more than wins and losses!

To have a complete answer to the question “why do you coach?” I encourage all coaches to take some time to answer the following questions:

    • Who are you? 
    • What do you know about the sport? 
    • What are you passionate about as a coach? 
    • How dedicated are you? 
    • What is your view on execution? 
    • What is your view on development? 
    • What challenges might you face? 
    • What are your responsibilities? 
    • When do you coach and when don’t you coach? 
    • How will you use both hands as a coach? 
    • How do results affect your decisions? 
    • What is your overall coaching philosophy?


Having the title of Coach is easy. Understanding the why of coaching is what separates a good coach from an excellent coach.