4 Ways to Win Over Your Coach Other Than Performance

I’m not going to tell you that there is any easy answer to getting a start over a teammate who is physically ahead of you. Performance is strongly considered by coaches making playing time decisions. It will always be a factor. However, I will say that there are things you can do to potentially earn extra playing time — or win the starting job — in the instance that you and another athlete are evenly skilled. Although this is not an article to discuss performance, I do want to add a few things regarding performance that many young athletes tend to overlook. It’s something I used to help me find my role as an athlete.

My advice is to understand who you are as a person; know your physical attributes, your personality type, ect. And understand who you are as an athlete; your skill set, speed, strength, ect. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you can figure out how to highlight the good and hide the bad. Don’t try to be something that you are not, and most importantly, trust yourself.

Now on to the main topic of the article. Here are a few of the things that I see from my athletes which force me to get them into the game. Remember, performance is still a factor, so be sure to capitalize on the opportunity you earn by following these steps!

Performance is not the only way to get more playing time

1. Be a selfless contributor

When a coach needs a player to fill a specific role, on or off the field, always be the first to step forward. Coaches sometimes refer to this as servant leadership, and they will notice when you contribute in ways that other teammates aren’t willing to. When it comes to them looking for someone to fill a newly opened starting role, you may just find yourself at the top of the list.

2. Give relentless effort

It takes zero skill to give relentless effort. Effort is a measure of one’s internal motivation. Your effort level will tell a coach everything they need to know about who you are. Both as the player you are today, and the one you can become down the road.

3. Be coachable

When the going gets tough, can you handle a coach being hard on you? When you make mistakes, do you listen to their suggested corrections? Or do you have an excuse for everything? When you perform well, but the coach still finds something to tweak, do you listen and learn? Do you seek knowledge from your coaches? Each of these questions address your individual level of coachability. A quality that all athletes need, and one that can help you earn your coach’s respect.

4. Be consistent

Just like effort, it takes zero skill to be consistent. Consistency is a measure of one’s discipline, not their performance. Consistently contribute, give relentless effort, and be coachable. If you consistently show up the right way in the eyes of your coach, he will be more likely to give you greater opportunities.

Get more playing time by following these four steps

When you do these four things, it is impossible to be overlooked. When you do these four things, your
performance will benefit. Most importantly, when you do these four things, you will shape your
behaviors in a way that will benefit you long after sports.

wide receiver running a route good performance

Michael Mosser is a five-star football coach in the Knoxville, TN area. Check out his profile here and book a session with him today!

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