5 Jumping Jack Variations for Explosive Game Day Performance

The jumping jack is one of the first exercises learned. It’s a tried and true exercise that has tremendous benefits. However, doing jumping jacks over and over again can get pretty boring.

Did you know that you can change a few movements to the traditional jumping jack and produce movement patterns your body may not be used to?

Having a variety of jumping jacks to do is a great way to increase explosive movements, endurance and coordination. All this will lead to better game-day performance, enhanced confidence, and awareness of what the body is capable of.

Check out these five jumping jack variations for improved game day performance.

1. Traditional Jumping Jacks

Start by standing straight up with feet together and arms down by your sides. Next, jump both feet out to the sides making your feet at least shoulder-width apart, while also raising your arms up and over your head. Finally, return your feet and arms to the starting position. Repeat for a determined amount of time or reps.

2. Clap Jacks

Start by standing straight up with feet together, arms out front at chest level, and palms together. Next, jump both feet out to the sides making your feet at least shoulder-width apart, while spreading your arms at shoulder height. Finally, return you feet and arms to the starting position, keeping your arms at shoulder height. Repeat for a determined amount of time or reps.

3. Scissor Jacks

Start in a split stance with one foot forward and opposite arm in the air. Jump the opposite foot and hand forward as you swing the starting foot and arm back. Alternate each time keeping with the opposite arm, opposite hand motion. Repeat for a determined amount of time or reps.

4. Squat Fly Jacks

Start by squatting with feet together and arms down by your sides. Next jump both feet out to the sides making your feet at least shoulder-width apart, while also raising your arms in a flying motion. Finally, return your feet and arms to the starting position. Repeat for a determined amount of time or reps.

5. Straight Arm Hold Jacks

Start by being at the high point of a push-up with hands under the shoulders and feet together. There should be a straight line from the head to the heels. While keeping this position, jump both feet out to the sides making your feet at least shoulder-width apart. Return to the starting position. Repeat for a determined amount of time or reps.

As each exercise is done, it is important to keep the core engaged and body coordinated. If needed, slow the movements down in order to develop and maintain proper movement patterns and reduce the risk of injury.

There are other variations that can be used. These 5 are a start to adding variety to workouts, as well as be a workout all on there own.

Have fun with these variations and see how your skills develop.

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