Should You Do Group or One-on-One Training?

With spring sports now in full force, there’s the opportunity to reflect, regroup, and refocus — how can you improve before season’s end?  If you’re facing a tough decision on improving your game, don’t worry — we’re breaking down the benefits of one-on-one and group training. Whether you’re looking to master a specific move or learn some team-based skills, using CoachUp to train could be the next crucial step in your development. The only question is: which should you choose?

Head to CoachUp to learn about which type of training is right for you or your athlete!

One-on-One Training

Undoubtedly, one-on-one training can seem intimidating at first glance — but it’s really anything but. Working individually with a coach can open up world of possibilities not yet explored. Learning skills from a coach with first-hand experiences at the highest level is just impossible to find elsewhere and is an invaluable support system for athletes striving to be better. Whether you’re not getting enough attention during your school’s organized practice or goofing around with your friends isn’t cutting it anymore, one-on-one training has the potential to change the way you play sports.

1. You get individual attention

The idea of individualized attention has been around for decades and, truthfully, it makes loads of sense. Imagine being in fifth grade again, slipping away into your newest daydream amidst a particular math class you’re not vibing with — we’ve all been there. When that happens, we’re not surprised when that child doesn’t ace the next test or solve the homework with startling accuracy.

And yet, sports seem to be the flipside of that predicament: when an athlete works at their craft only a couple times a week and then falls behind, parents are shocked.

Tutoring often solves the mind-wandering student, so isn’t it time that one-on-one training got its time in the sun as well?

When an athlete has hands-on help to pursue a certain challenge or roadblock, they often pass it with flying colors — the only thing missing is the opportunity.

2. You have the ability to take your time

The beauty behind one-on-one training is that time is on your side! Instead of chasing 30-second chunks of opportunity during your organized practice, try spending an entire hour with an expert just working on that one skill — you’ll be surprised at how fast you improve. No longer are you being defined by four consecutive attempts at that difficult left-handed layup. In lieu of waiting all practice for a small window of potential improvement, how many layups you could make if you focused for an entire hour on it?

3. You build a special rapport with your coach

Your parents know you better than you know yourself — it’s an age-old adage and one that you’ve likely heard your entire life. Truth is, however, it applies to your coach as well.

They know your strengths, weakness, and how to go about improving them both.

While your high school coach may be able to pull you aside for a quick tip during practice, those moments are fleeting or go unsaid entirely.

When you work consistently with a one-on-one trainer, you’re building a relationship to last a lifetime. While you might think your three-point form is flawless, your coach will be able gently iron out niggling issues along the way. In most situations, your coach is the most honest asset you’ll have at your disposal — do you want to get better or just be told that you’re getting better?

Ready for one-on-one training? Book your coach today!

Group Training

Often times, group training gets a bad rap — the athletes are unfocused and almost always end up goofing around, right? The same goes for your summertime camps and walk-on clinics; are you really getting what you pay for? And, honestly, it’s a fair question. Thankfully, CoachUp aims to provide the best, most unique type of group training, one that focuses on providing a fun, but informative and worthwhile, experience no matter your skill, desire, or goal.

1. You get competition versus others of the same age

For many young athletes, their problem isn’t a lack of skill, it’s that practicing once or twice a week doesn’t give them enough time to hone the skills learned during training. While many of these skills can be sharpened during one-on-one training, there are just simply some that cannot without the appropriate competition flanking you.

Can you learn how to execute the pick and roll with just cones and invisible defenders? You could learn a fantastic foot skill during individualized training, but until you use it to burst past a defender, it won’t mean much in a competitive game. Group training allows you take your skills and apply them to game-like situations and that kind of real-time practice is invaluable for experience.

2. You learn important social skills

When parents think about one-on-one training, they often assume the worst — will my child become ruthless? Will his weekend be ruined after the next loss? In reality, the right type of group training can achieve the exact opposite.

Playing sports with others can teach some incredibly valuable lessons to a young athlete — including: the ability to overcome adversity, the importance of working hard, and the necessity of teamwork.

Best of all? You’ll make friends and allies along the way and these people will be the very same ones backing you up on the field. Group training allows an athlete to grow as part of a unit, utilizing a culture overwhelming positivity to their advantage. No matter your age, winning together (and with friends!) is much sweeter than trying to do it all alone. Speaking of which…

3. You can do drills and exercises you can’t do alone

Whether you need to learn a specific post-move or run an inch-perfect route, it’s often hard to achieve your sports-related goals without a little help. While the fundamentals you work on during one-on-one training sessions are crucial, putting it into action is just as important. Your coach can provide some of these resources, but there’s something to be said about running a fast break with your teammate and seeing that success build in front of your eyes.

Maybe you you need to win more headers against defenders, but, unfortunately, practicing just with your regular coach won’t help you achieve that with 100% accuracy. In most situations, it’s only until you showdown with a friend or an athlete your age that you can start putting your knowledge into actual on-field experiences.

Ready for group training? Book your coach today!

No matter how you choose to go about your training, you’ve made the right choice. Perhaps you’re just looking to learn how to juggle and that means that some one-on-one time makes the most sense. Or, if you’re still trying to figure out how to play with others, then maybe give some group training a chance as well. One-on-one and group training are both extra opportunities to improve, but they offer specific benefits, so be sure to know what your athlete wants out of their training. Once you do, that leaves just one question: What will you choose?

CoachUp is the safest and easiest way to find a coach for personalized training. With our 100% money-back guarantee and vetted coaches, anyone can achieve their full athletic potential. Find your perfect coach today! 

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