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Alternative Cardio Workouts Without Expensive Equipment

Winter months can make it really hard to keep your cardio workouts routine, especially if you can’t afford to buy a treadmill or stationary bike. Although we’re well into the snowy months, there are plenty more storms that lie ahead and you don’t want to be back at square one when spring finally arrives. There are several alternative cardio exercises you can do to stay in shape and boost your health while stuck in the house. Let’s go over some of the best alternative cardio workouts that don’t require any special equipment and zero financial commitments.

What are the top cardio exercises to do without a gym membership or expensive equipment?

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and your body moving. They are a full-body exercise that work your arms, legs, and core. Start by standing with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Then, jump your feet out to the side while raising your arms above your head. Jump back to the starting position and repeat. Aim to do 30-50 consecutive repetitions for a good cardio workout.

Jumping jacks are also a great way to warm up your body before your main workout. They help to increase your body temperature and get your muscles ready for more intense exercise. Using them as a way to maintain your cardiovascular health in the winter is great, but even moreso, you should consider including them in your usual routine.


Burpees are one of the most effective and challenging cardio exercises you can do at home. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your hands at your sides. Then, squat down and place your hands on the ground. Jump your feet back into a plank position and lower your chest to the ground. Push back up to the plank position and then jump your feet back up to your hands. Stand up and repeat. Aim to do 15-20 repetitions to get your heart rate up.

Burpees are not only an effective cardio exercise, but they also help to strengthen your core and upper body. They can also be modified in a number of ways to best suit your fitness level.

High Knees

High knees are a great way to get your heart rate up and improve your coordination. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by your sides. Then, lift your right knee up to your chest and return it back to the starting position. Alternate legs and aim to do 30-50 repetitions. You can also increase the intensity by lifting your arms up to shoulder height while alternating legs—essentially running in place .

High knees are a great cardio exercise you can do at home and they don’t require any equipment. Plus, they help to strengthen your core and improve your balance.

Jump Rope

This is the only exercise on the list that will cost you anything, but jump ropes can be found for under $10. Jump rope is another simple, yet effective, cardio exercise. All you need is a jump rope and some space to jump. Start by standing with your feet together and the jump rope behind you. Swing the rope in a circle over your head and then jump as it passes under your feet. Aim to do 30-50 repetitions. You can also vary the intensity of your jump rope workouts by doing double-unders (where you jump twice each time the rope passes under your feet) or alternating feet.

This is a fun exercise to include in your winter routine and beyond. It is the favorite cardio exercise of many, and requires just a couple bucks and a little bit of space.

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