Today, enjoy the little things in youth sports

Today, enjoy the little things in youth sports

Enjoy the little things in life for someday you will realize they were the big things. Today, as you head out to your child’s game, take time to enjoy the little things:

His excitement to play and be with this friends
Her ability to run
The way he proudly wears his uniform
Her anticipation of the post-game snack

Even if your kids are grown, you can still enjoy the little things:

His smile from a great assist
Her high five to a fellow player
His words of encouragement to another teammate

Perhaps these seem like little things, but actually they are big things. They are big because your child is running, learning, enjoying sports in its purest form — sport just for the fun of it. They are big because your child is learning team work, persistence, sacrifice, and hard work–life lessons that will stick with him.

They are big because you are watching him grow up and have fun. You are there supporting him. They are big because your child is learning to stretch and grow and become his own person. Life is made up of hundreds of thousands of little things that shape your young athlete and prepare him for the sometimes tough road of life.

So today, as you watch your young athlete participate in her sport, appreciate those little things. They are the building blocks of character.

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