New Improvements to Scheduling Coaching Sessions

Making scheduling easy means you get more bookings with less back-and-forth between your clients. That’s why we’ve made some exciting improvements to how coaches and athletes can schedule training sessions together.  Here’s what you need to know about these improvements:

1. Clients now have a detailed look at your availability through your coach profile and after booking can suggest 3 times to train in the next two weeks based on your schedule:


Select 3 schedule options


2. You can accept 1 of their proposed times or reply with a different time right from your message inbox:


Accept or propose another schedule slot


In order to take advantage of this new feature it’s important that you keep your coaching availability constantly up-to-date. If you haven’t done so recently, click this link to update your current availability. In order to ensure that you’re schedule is always updated, we suggest you download our mobile app so you can make changes to your availability at any time.  
If you have any additional questions or feedback about this feature or anything CoachUp related, you can always contact us at or by calling us at 1-888-680-4750.


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