CoachUp Spotlight Series: Zach Stevenson on Using Social Media

This week’s CoachUp Spotlight features Zach Stevenson, who will be sharing some examples of how he leverages social media to grow his private coaching business. Zach was one of the first to join CoachUp as he created his profile way back in 2012. We’re really excited to share his thoughts on building a following and interacting with athletes on social media. So many CoachUp coaches have a ton of content worth sharing, so read on to learn how to best promote that content, build a fanbase, and gain new clients through the use of social media.

CoachUp: How do you use social media to grow your private coaching business?

zach stevenson

Zach Stevenson: I use social media in a variety of ways to grow my private coaching business. One of the things I focus on is the use of searchable content, mostly with hashtags (#). Hashtags allow for others that may not be following you to see your media content — which could easily open up conversation and potentially new bookings. Since hashtags now transcend multiple platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), it makes the process even easier. I’ve also used it as a way to network with other likeminded individuals, coaches, and trainers in the basketball world. Being able to see how others are developing their craft and helping their athletes is a tremendous resource that can expand my knowledge. It could also lead to potential partnerships for some as well. Basically, iron sharpens iron.

Pro-Tip: To potentially have a photo or video of your training sessions with your clients reposted on CoachUp’s Instagram and Twitter accounts, try using the hashtag #MyCoachUp.

CU: What social networks do you use, and how does your strategy change with each?

ZS: I primarily use Instagram for my social posts. There is a feature that allows you to sync your posts with Facebook, Twitter, and Swarm, so using statuses that work on multiple platforms simplifies the process a bit. I use it to communicate with athletes, give insight, and learn more about the game. I follow some terrific basketball minds that consistently provide valuable content, which helps me grow too. Tagging people is another good way to get views on your posts or something you find interesting. If I’m working with an athlete on something and I come across a play where someone does something that we’ve been working on, I’ll be sure to show them. For Twitter, I typically use it to post statuses on games that I’m currently watching or to communicate with other basketball minds. You’ll often find me retweeting entertaining basketball videos, motivational quotes, and various articles. Facebook is more of a personal platform for me, so I don’t upload much basketball business there, unless I’m sharing CoachUp posts or other media.

Pro-Tip: CoachUp’s Instagram is our most engaging account, so if you’re thinking of engaging with athletes and having your content reposted on CoachUp’s social media, we recommend posting it on Instagram to get the most exposure.

CU: How do you interact with your athletes on social media?

ZS: The majority of the players that I work with often do not have accounts because they’re too young or because they aren’t interested. For those that are active, I will share videos that I find will be beneficial for them. I may showcase, if they’ve given permission, some videos or pictures of them from our workouts together to show how they’re improving.

CU: What kind of content do you share on social media?

ZS: For Facebook, it’s mostly family-related content with basketball intermixed. For Instagram, on my primary account, @ZStevenson, I’ll post a fair amount of basketball videos and pictures, but also glimpses into my life outside of basketball. I recently created an account, @UpAndOverBasketball, where I provide weekly posts of things that I’ve been working on. I try to give detailed descriptions to describe what is occurring so that those at home can work on it.

CU: Do you find that videos of your training sessions are engaging content on social media?

ZS: Definitely — based off of the number of followers that I have gained, I’d say that they’re engaging with a lot of content. It always helps when CoachUp reposts something that I’ve worked on or when guys like Nerlens, Julian, or Stephen posts their CoachUp-related stuff. I have a few professional players that have left comments here and there about workouts that help me as well.

CU: How has social media helped to increase your business in regards to sessions and packages booked?

ZS: I wish that I had booked more sessions via this manner, but it hasn’t provided me with a large number of bookings. I have drawn a ton of interest from players and parents, but they often live in a different city or state. I’ll often refer them to the CoachUp website and have them look for coaches in their area. So while it may not necessarily increase my sessions, it probably is helping someone else’s! coachup social media

Pro-Tip: We’d recommend adding a link to your CoachUp profile in your social media bios. It also might be a good idea to share your referral code or add it to your bio so that any athletes who find you on social media will be able to save some money when they book with you. We’ll also waive the 25% finder’s fee from your earnings when your referral code is used, so you’ll earn more too!

Thank you, Zach! You can follow Zach on Instagram at @ZStevenson and Twitter at @ZStevenson. If you’re not already, be sure to follow CoachUp on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as well. If you’re ready to take your coaching game to Another Level, head over here to apply with us or check out our Help Center for Tips & Tricks on Growing Your Business! Good luck!

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