NIL: Time Management Skills

NIL: 5 Time Management Tips

As an NCAA athlete, it’s evident that you’re no stranger to time management. However, we know how difficult balancing classes, homework, practices, competitions, and social life can be during the school year, let alone getting a job! Thus, adding coaching into the mix can seem a bit daunting. We want to assure you that being a coach on CoachUp will not overwhelm your schedule or add more stress to your life since you have the freedom to take on as many clients as you desire and set your availability as you see fit. CoachUp is the perfect way for you to take a break from your crazy schedule and reap the rewards of working with an athlete who is striving to improve their game. It allows you to take a short break which can relieve stress, promote creativity, and increase your productivity once you enter back into your normal schedule – and you can make a little money on the side! However, it’s important that you book sessions that fit your schedule and allow you time to do the other important things in your life. Here are a couple of time management tips when adding coaching into the mix: 

1. Set your availability by the month and reset it at the start of each month. 

  • Obtain a calendar that you can write or type on. Mark the days that you have time-consuming events (games, practices, due dates, exams, social events) and block those times off from coaching.
  • Identify any gaps/breaks in the action that you may have on a given day or week where you could comfortably fit a coaching session in. Consider making this a consistent time every week or month. Even if you aren’t able to schedule a session during this window, you can then transform it into an hour of YOU time!
  • Whether it’s during the school year or summer, log your availability into CoachUp for that given month to notify clients.

2. Set goals for yourself. 

  • Setting goals, whether it be for a given day, month, season, or year, is important in keeping you on track when scheduling and partaking in certain activities. Being confident in your goals can guide you to prioritize parts of your life at a given time with the greatest amount of productivity. 

3. Utilize Vacation Mode.

  • The Vacation Mode function makes your profile locked to new clients and unable for them to book sessions with you until you turn the function off. This allows you to continue contacting and booking with your existing clients when desired. Utilizing this mode is a perfect way for you to manage your coaching sessions during busier times when you cannot take on as many clients or sessions. 

4. Build in rest and recovery time for YOU. 

  • It can be easy to get caught in the chaos of everyday college life. While we know it can feel like rest is the last thing on your mind during busy times, it’s essential for your productivity, performance, and mental health. Taking time for yourself to do something you love may or may not be coaching on a given day. Maybe it’s reading, meditating, or watching your favorite show. Whatever you define it as be sure to incorporate “you” time into your schedule! 

5. Be okay with not being able to do it all!

  • Coaching is an exciting opportunity for you to mentor other athletes and promote your own brand. However, it’s okay if you can’t coach or need to take a break to prioritize other things in your life whether it’s school, sport, mental or physical health, and more. Accept that other times in your life will be busier and/or harder than others and prioritize yourself during those times!

Interested in joining our growing community of current NCAA athletes coaching on CoachUp? Learn more about CoachUp University and how you can get in on the action.

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