Coach Spotlight Series: Getting Coached Up With Brandon Ball

CoachUp Featured on NECN!

A few weeks ago, CoachUp was lucky enough to be featured on NECN’s CEO Corner so we could dish on our company, goals, and achievements. If you haven’t checked out the first video with our very own John Kelley, head here to watch that in all its glory! However, we’re highlighting a second part of that segment today and it’s one that may be of interest to parents, athletes, and coaches out there.

After John spoke, Brandon Ball, one of CoachUp’s best Boston-based basketball coaches, went on-air to speak about his experiences with a student-athlete and his mother. “If you apply yourself, you’re going to get results,” Brandon says — and it’s true! No matter what type of improvements you’re looking to make, all it takes is some commitment and hard work.

Thanks again to NECN for having us on to share our journey thus far! Coaches, were Brandon’s words inspirational? How can you be a better coach? Learn more tips and tricks for growing your business through CoachUp here — good luck! *

Note: you may have to pause ad-blocker for the video to work!*

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