5 Ways To Stay Active This Summer

5 Ways To Stay Active This Summer

As the summer approaches and the great weather with it, there’s no better excuse to get back outside and in shape. The only problem is motivation. Let’s face it, when it comes to sitting on the couch or going out for a run, the couch usually wins out. Here are a few tips that can help you get over that hurdle and back on your feet.

Grab a friend
If you’re the type of person who finds it hard to turn down others, then grab a friend and get them to commit to a regular outing with you every week. By doing so, you’ll be obligated to go out and do some exercise, which may feel like a burden. However, once you get back from the day’s activities, I can guarantee you won’t be saying “man, I really wish I had sat around on the couch instead of going out today”.

Activities: Hiking, Jogging, Frisbee, Tennis, Yoga, Cycling, Surfing, Fitness DVD, Rock Climbing

Join a league
For some of us, being with just one friend doesn’t cut it – we need a team to hold us accountable.  The best part about joining a sports league is that if you’re a competitive person, you’ll be motivated outside of your league activities to get in shape so your team can start racking up some wins. On the flipside, if you’re not so competitive, being expected to pull your own weight on the court/field can also provide a lot of motivation to get in shape.

Activities: Kickball, Soccer, Basketball, Flag Football, Volleyball, Baseball, Ultimate Frisbee

Get in the gym
The gym can be one of the best tools to getting in shape, just ask any of the ridiculously fit people walking around inside. Sure it can be intimidating, but being surrounded by people who are being productive and exercising will definitely rub off on you as long as you stick around long enough. If you’re not sure about what exercises to do in the gym, a quick YouTube search will do some good. Also, make sure you learn a little bit about gym etiquette before you go.

Activities: Weight Training, Treadmill, Elliptical, Swimming, Zumba, Yoga, Aerobics

Learn something new
There’s always that one sport you’ve always been interested in but never had the time to try, and there’s no better time to start learning than now. One of the best ways to get started is to join classes or hire a teacher for the desired sport which will cost some money, but there are plenty of sports that don’t particularly require a teacher such as cycling and frisbee. In any case, finding something new that you’re interested in will help with motivation and being consistent in your effort to get fit.

Activities:  Cycling, Frisbee, Tennis, Badminton, Rock Climbing, Surfing, Longboarding

5. Hire a Trainer

For those who would like to have a guide to show them the ropes around the gym or someone there to push them to their limits, hiring a Trainer is definitely the way to go.  A good trainer will listen to what your goals are in terms of fitness and create a regimen for you that will help you achieve your goals. Make sure you find one that fits with your personality and you’ll be fit in no time.

All of these suggestions are here to make it easier for you to get active, but it always comes down to you. Once you make the decision to start something, the most important thing is to see it all the way through, and the best way to do that is to go out and find something that you truly enjoy. So get out there and give it a shot, I’m sure you won’t regret it!

This article was written by Andrew Poon of Bluefields. Bluefields is a free online platform where you can communicate with and organize your sports team with ease. We believe that the time you spend on the court should be as simple and fun as the time you spend on it. Get started today at Bluefields.com

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