The rule I usually hear is 300 miles or 3 months, but like anything that is just a guideline. For my high school athletes, I recommend every season, and use them only for training. Take your old shoes and use them for gym class or mowing the lawn. A lot of people get turned off by that idea because it sounds like a lot of money, however having a daughter who is training to be a professional ballerina I have a different perspective on the importance of footwear. A worn out pointe shoe can create a serious, possibly career ending, injury. A worn out running shoe may not create an acute injury like that, but over time it will have the same impact on a runner. So ... instead of going by a specific time or mileage, I would say always be aware of your feet and legs. As soon as you start to feel that little nag of shin splints, or some knee/ankle pain after a long run, or even if the bottom of your feet feel sore and a little tired, check your shoes. Squeeze the heel and the the sole of the shoe and see if it is losing its cushion or stability. Everyone is different too. My daughter breaks down her pointe shoes every few weeks where other girls can go a couple months. No one knows your bodies needs better than you do, so my final answer is ... if you feel like you need new running shoes go get them! A little money spent now may save you a whole lot of pain and recovery time down the road. All the best!
Train fast! Race faster!

Running | Holmdel, NJ
May 26, 2016
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