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Soccer Q&A

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"Can you go to college to study medical Get in college soccer team and still end up in a good soccer team like Barcelona"

Hello Keanan, to answer this correctly there is so much not included in your or your question? This is relative and could be subjective, everything depends on how bad you want something! To answer your question directly the answer is, Yes! But it is not easy or everyone would do it! Stanford (Great Medical Program) has had female players who have played nationally and internationally. Their are professional women's team players, playing abroad. But it is not easy, there are few men but not many from the US. Good Luck.

Best Regards,
Don Villella
NSCAA National Diploma
Staff Instructor - CYSA-N
CYSA -California Youth Soccer Association
North Bay Elite Head Coach
John Swett High School Varsity Girls Coach
Coach District 4 ODP '96 Boys Team

Don Villella

Soccer | Concord, CA

July 03, 2017
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